Bed in joint and other internal corner products with ease using Tapepro's famous inside Corner Roller. The Corner Roller is an industry favourite, it's designed for use after the taping process. It's self aligning rollers force excess compound out bedding in tape perfectly and strengthening the joint. Use the Internal Corner Roller on joint tapes, paper faced and corner tapes. n iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe> **Hard wearing die cast aluminium body **Durable stainless steel rollers and acetal bushings for smooth rolling **Swivel attachment adjusts to angle **Bed i**joint tape (Paper tape, FibaFuse), paper faced beads and corner tape (No-Coat®, LevelLine and Strait-Flex) **Handle is comparable with the Outside Corner Roller head (OCR) **Includes 1200mm fixed handle
TapeproCorner Roller with Handle