Twist your handle, not your body!strong> n nThe Twister™ Swivel Plate can be retro-fitted to the blue range of Tapepro Flat Box Handles. This revolutionary product allows you to adjust the handle to suit you, not the other way around. The Twister™ enables you to rotate the handle so that you can use a more comfortable position (from the floor), reducing stress on your body. n iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe> **FH001 Connector Plate replaced with TSP Twister™ Swivel Plate **Fits all FFBH model handles **Adjustable frictio**setting using star wheel **TSP Swivel Plate available separately for retro fit **US Patent No. 8,851,773
Tapepro Twister Swivel Plate